Start planning your winter getaway before it gets too hot.
Get Your Peak Winter Fun in the ADK
Get Your Peak Winter Fun in the ADK
A peak challenge

It wasn’t long after I moved to Saranac Lake that I met Kelowna and her partner, James. They came into the coffee shop where I work and it became routine for me to ask them what kind of adventure they were getting into that day. It typically involved bagging peaks from the Saranac Lake 6ers, the Lake Placid 9ers, or the Adirondack High Peaks, the 46ers.
Cabin fever

Oh, a cabin in the woods, with the whispery fall of snow outside and the crackle of a fire inside. It is a wonderful base for snuggling, skiing, heart-to-heart talks over hot chocolate, and snowshoeing on a bluebird day. So very Adirondacks.
The Whiteface Region has a variety of cabins and cottages that will match a couple's longing to be alone, or accommodate a lively group wanting to spend more time together. Cabin rentals range from small and remote to grand and convenient, or anything in between.
Blissful Placid

It seems like everyone in the Adirondacks knows Jen Jubin. And if you don’t know her, you should! Jen grew up here and went to college in Potsdam, a little northwest of the Adirondacks. She started her own business, Forever Wild Beverage Co., while also juggling work at her family’s business, Cascade XC Ski Center.
Ski Titus

There's no denying it -- winter is here. Nighttime temperatures dip below freezing, there's a crispness in the air, and the first flurries of snowfall have been spotted on mountain peaks. While some people may bemoan our coldest season, skiers and snowboarders are rejoicing knowing it's time to hit the slopes again!
Best of both worlds

Newcomb has lots of snow. Deep snow. Up-to-your-eyeballs snow. Enough-to-submerge-me snow. It-looks-like-you’re-driving-your-car-down-a-bobsled-track-the-snow-walls-are-so-high snow. In fact they’ve apparently received somewhere around 90 inches of snow so far this year, and there is still a lot more winter to go. All of that snow means that my timing to explore SUNY-ESF’s Adirondack Interpretive Center (AIC) in Newcomb was spot on – although I was wondering as I drove how easy it would be to traverse the trails or whether I’d be pushing my way to navigate on my snowshoes.
Downtown in Tupper Lake

Tupper Lake has a downtown that is a charming mix of historic architecture, artisan shops, and lumberjack dining. I'm not the only one who thinks so, of course. I asked several people about their favorite places along Park Street and the side streets leading from it.
I had a lot of fun hearing people's favorite places. Below are some of the gems people shared with me.
Soup's on

Here we are frozen in February, and since the groundhog didn't see his shadow we're in for an early spring. If you are planning a visit to the Lake Champlain Region this winter, don’t think you have to be cold while you're here. We have multitiple ways to stay warm after enjoying some winter fun!
An ice fishing adventure

Last weekend my boyfriend, Robbie, and I decided to go on an ice fishing adventure. We wanted to get out on the ice early, as it takes a while to get everything set up for the day. Not knowing where we were going to end up, we started out by heading to Hoss’s Country Corner in Long Lake to get our bait. While we were looking around at all the other goodies at Hoss’s, Robbie spotted a large lake trout mounted up high on the wall. He asked the employee where the fish was caught, and the employee replied “Lake Eaton.” He had made up Robbie's mind, we were going to Lake Eaton for the day.