Spring in the Adirondacks is a beautiful time of year, but it didn’t earn the nickname “mud season” without reason. As rising temperatures soften the ground, and melting snow runs off the mountains, high elevation and densely populated trails can turn into natural Tough Mudder courses. While getting dirty can be a lot of fun, hiking these trails accelerates the pace of trail erosion and damages delicate alpine vegetation on summits. That said, these same spring conditions result in another, more beautiful phenomenon – waterfall season.
Due to the unique landscape of the Adirondacks, snowmelt from the top of peaks creates runoff which fuels existing waterfalls and creates new falls that you can only see for a few short weeks. Just imagine the engagement you’ll get on that Instagram pic after visiting a waterfall that’s only visible for two or three weeks! Spoiler alert – it will be huge and make all your followers jealous.
We’ve put together a list of awe inspiring waterfalls and roadside beauties to sate your adventure appetite while you wait to get back on the high-elevation trails. And you’re not only doing the environment a service – all of these incredible falls are truly ADK unique and ready to share! To help you make the most of this Instagram gold, I’m laying out the perfect rugged explorer, look-how-adventurous-I-am-without-saying-it images for you.