Pull up a lawn chair and check out the fun, festive side of the Adirondacks this summer!
Life's a Beach in the Adirondacks

Life's a Beach in the Adirondacks
Art, music, Saranac Lake

There’s nothing more Saranac Lake than Third Thursday ArtWalks. Every third Thursday in June through September, the galleries open their doors and showcase their artwork. Art and oftentimes the artists who created it literally spill onto the streets from 5-7:30 p.m. There’s music and laughter everywhere, providing a lively backdrop to the positive energy and celebration of all things creative.
A 4th of July primer

The Fourth of July in Lake Placid comes complete with sunshine, live music, a parade, family fun, and exciting nightlife; it's a perfect, old-fashioned, small-town day with world-class events and musical acts worth traveling for. What does a Fourth of July look like in Lake Placid? Well, here is a list of "must dos" so you don't miss a thing!
Camping with cinnamon rolls

Just like there is no right way to go on vacation, there really is no right way to go camping. Camping will always end up being a very personal experience and one that can be repeated, tweaked, or improved upon each time you go. Here are a few things you might keep in mind as you plan for your next family camping trip.
Beach music, Adirondack style

If the words "beach concert" makes your heart beat a little faster, mark your calendar for summer Thursdays at Wilmington Town Beach. This delightful park has a swimming beach and picnic pavilion. There's birding, a playground, and hiking trails sized for short attention spans. It is also a delightful spot for listening to a band while grilling up a dinner treat.
Malone pedal power

The Malone region is a cyclist's dream come true. Miles of lightly trafficked roads traverse a unique variety of landscapes. From wide open farmlands to dense forest and quaint North Country towns, biking in Malone offers rich scenic rewards for riders of all ability levels. I am not an experienced cyclist. Quite frankly, I've never been very good on two wheels. My crash rate is embarrassingly high. Many of my friends are avid cyclers though, and after listening to them rave about all the different roadways in the Malone region, I decided to give it one more try. After all, it's like riding a bike, right? So, with a borrowed bike on a beautiful day, I joined my friends and took to the road.
A crafty affair

It's festival time at the fairgrounds, featuring some of my favorite things: Hand-crafted, gorgeous, and delightful objects and other works of art. Made by nice people. We're talking about the second annual Essex Arts and Crafts Festival held at the Essex County Fairgrounds in Westport. It was so popular the first year that there are now two separate events in 2018. Plan for Friday, July 6 and Wednesday, August 1.
Pharaoh love

The Pharaoh Lake Wilderness Area is a gorgeous, 46,283-acre region that’s chock full of trails, lakes, mountains, and wildlife. It can be accessed from 11 parking areas, so there are lots of options available. That’s great for people who like to explore, but it can make it difficult for first-time visitors to decide where to go. Read on for three of our favorite Pharaoh Lake adventures!
A birder's delight

The cool morning air was punctuated by singing birds as we drove the winding dirt road toward the parking area at the old railroad bed, which leads through the bog. We quickly added species like Pine Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, and Barn and Tree swallows as we drove through the Boy Scout camp, as well as Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Chestnut-sided, and a few Mourning warblers. We also saw American Redstart, Ovenbird, Hermit Thrush, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and many others as we continued on through the woods. Unfortunately, with my field work schedule being what it is, we didn't have time to stop on the way to the bog, but our list was off to a good start nonetheless.