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Best of 2018!

Best of 2018!
Ski the face

Whiteface Mountain is big. The summit is 4,867 feet in elevation, and there are 86 trails — totalling over 22 miles — to choose from. So what are you looking for? We talked to life-long skier and ski instructor Marcy Fagan to get the inside scoop on her favorite runs at the Face. Take a look at the handy guide below, try some of Marcy's suggestions, then have fun exploring the rest of the mountain.
Paddling the Saranac River

The Adirondacks are full of beautiful waterways just waiting to be explored. Running straight through the heart of Saranac Lake is one of the area’s best paddling opportunities – the Saranac River. This 81-mile river encompasses several lakes and winds through miles of both civilization and wilderness before spilling into Lake Champlain. While paddling the entire length would be a huge undertaking, sections of it are perfect for full- or half-day trips. One popular one-way route is the section between Saranac Lake and the Moose Pond trailhead outside of Bloomingdale, NY.
Family camping 101

Both of my kids went on their first camping trips rather early: aged 8 weeks and 5 weeks old. Since then we have done all types of camping: Car camping, boat camping, river camping, no-tent camping, backpacking, and even drag-gear-up-to-the-top-of-the-property-by-ATV camping. One thing it all has in common: It was always a memorable experience. Here are a few things you might keep in mind as you plan for your next family camping trip.
Get your golf on

The Malone Golf Club is well-known around the area, and its popularity continues to grow as travelers discover its charm.
It stands out for having 36 holes of Robert Trent Jones golfing that leaves every member and guest wanting more. The club is famous for its 4.5-star rating by Golf Digest, and its commitment to service that ranks better than par. However, there are some things about the club that a lot of people don't know -- until now!
3 days in Tupper Lake

Looking for your next great family friendly vacation? Pack up the kids and head to Tupper Lake, where you'll discover plenty for kids and parents to enjoy. Don't know where to begin? Check out our sample itinerary below to get some ideas!
Ti top 10

There is no wonder why Ticonderoga manifests historic charm, scenic beauty, and an abundance of recreation and activities, being the name’s origin is from the Iroquois word tekontaró:ken, meaning "it is at the junction of two waterways." This lovely little town nestled between Lake George and Lake Champlain is sure to satisfy any vacationer’s cravings!
Budget friendly family fun

Admittedly, I like a good deal (who doesn’t?) so I can often be found whipping out my smart phone to see what’s happening on the cheap. And, while you can certainly find awesome family activities that are budget friendly on the weekends, during the week the options multiply exponentially. Last year I decided to conduct a little experiment and see how much we could do during the week of 4th of July. Here are the results to help you plan for this year's festivities on a budget. Enjoy!
Glamping is next level

Newcomb, NY is a haven for hikers, with nearby trails leading to the eastern High Peaks, Mount Goodnow, and into Great Camp Santanoni. It also is home to Lake Harris and the Hudson River for boating, camping, or just relaxing. And now Newcomb residents Kelly and Tony Audino are looking to feed hungry visitors and offer beds with lake views. I met up with Kelly earlier this week and got a glimpse of the future Lake Harris House Lodge and adjoining glamping sites.
The couple moved to Newcomb from the Albany area to open the Hoot Owl Lodge, fulfilling their dream of moving to the Adirondacks. Kelly said there isn’t a place in Newcomb for dinner, so she decided to rectify that. Hence, their latest project, the Lake Harris House Lodge.